Choose and Choose Not. That is the Question (and Answer)

I decided to write this particular blog entry because I don’t have everything all figured out. I believe that writing is a daily practice and a way of life, but I don’t always follow that way. Sometimes, I follow the way of distraction and procrastination. While I presently don’t choose that way anymore, I believe that it is also a part of writing. I don’t stop being a writer because I am not writing. I have a choice. I can be a writer who does not write or I can be a writer who writes. I can be a writer who chooses my daily practice or chooses sporadically or chooses to practice daily. Regardless of what I do, whether or not I write, I make a choice.

Notice the word, “choose.” What a powerful word! It takes all the unchoice, whim and disempowerment out of my writing practice.” Writing, for me, is not something that just happens. Neither is not writing. That removes all the mystery and mythology from the practice. I choose a daily practice with the same amount of detachment as I choose to brush my teeth daily. It’s no big deal, just something I do daily to take care of my teeth and my health. My writing practice does the same thing.

So here’s what I choose: I choose to complete a draft of a humorous novel; I choose to start sketching out a futuristic novel and open a social media account for the main character (thanks Brother Poet Marvin White for that idea); I choose to complete a draft of a ghostwriting project for my client; and I choose to chronicle my journey in this space.

I hope you choose to join me in this journey.

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Why I Love Writers